Rabbit Roller


A wheel chair for a rabbit. The client? A rescued house rabbit with a weak or disabled rear leg, living in California. The rabbit roller gives mobility to a rabbit with a weak or disabled rear leg. The legs can hang freely, allowing the animal exercise and possibly strengthen the leg.

Hop a round 2.jpg
Hop a round 1.jpg

Working with a remote client was a special challenge when fit and body dimensions are so important. Video conferences with the rabbit and his caretaker, and and careful measurements enabled this project to be a success.



The prototype consisted of a 3D printed brace with a sling, a harness, and 2 metal rods to connect them.  The rabbit adjusted to harness easily. His belly and legs no longer dragged on the ground, and he was able to hop around and explore the yard like a rabbit typically would.  

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hop a long2.png